FAIR and HANDSOME…pass the face cream boyz…

Well apparently the fairness cream conglomerates that dominate the Indian cosmetic market making over 1000 crores per year have decided to hone in on the metrosexual demographic…so guys…you no longer need to fear the sun…or sneak into your mommy’s toiletry cabinet at night searching for bleach and sunscreen…from now on you too can get your face to look several shades lighter than the rest of your body…and trust me…the girls will come running….dazzled by the Brahminical whiteness of your gleaming pores… Now you just need to wax those legs and arms (armpits optional) and work on those cooking skills and the girls will come screaming screaming “Hi Handsome Hi Handsome Hi Handsome!”

I just read about a groom who went on hunger strike because his bride-to-be refused to marry him because he was too dark…it was an arranged marriage but she refused till he starved himself outside her house…eventually she agreed…its scary to think that these fairness creams are actually helping people…and that its not just advertising hype…these adds are all about how whiter skin means better jobs and higher marriage prospects. Well. Its true. So it makes it slightly hard to condemn a product without looking at why it is so successful…people want to use it. and they do want to use it for the same reasons they are advertised.

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