Cow Urine: Breakfast of Champions

A gift from the gods: bottled cow’s urine


HINDU nationalists in India have launched a marketing exercise to promote cow’s urine as a health cure for ailments ranging from liver disease to obesity and even cancer. The urine, which is being sold under the label “Gift of the Cow”, is being enthusiastically promoted by the government of Gujarat, one of three states in India dominated by Hindu nationalists.
The urine is collected daily from almost 600 shelters for rescued and wounded cattle set up by the Vishwa Hindu Parisad (VHP), or World Council of Holy men, as part of a government cow-protection programme to save the country’s sacred, but often maltreated, beasts.

Advertised as being “sterilised and completely fresh” it is available for 20 rupees (30p) a bottle at about 50 centres run by the VHP in Gujerat, from 200 of their outlets in neighbouring Madhya Pradesh, and at fairs and religious festivals throughout India.It also comes in tablets or a cream mixed with other traditional medicinal herbs. Demand is currently outstripping supply.


The healing properties of cow dung and cow’s urine are also mentioned in ancient Hindu texts. The research conducted by doctors at the cow-protection commission indicates that the urine can cure anything from skin diseases, kidney and liver ailments to obesity and heart ailments.
Although most Indian doctors view the medicines as eccentric, several advocates of the treatment have come forward in Gujarat, have come forward to support the doctors’ claims.
They include Vidhyaben Mehta, a 65-year-old woman with a cancerous tumour on her chest who has been taking cow’s urine for the past three years. She says she is no longer in pain and has survived in spite of medical predictions that she would die two years ago.

So enthusiastic is the Gujarat government about its cows’ urine medicines that it has asked the Indian Institute of Management to compile a database of traditional cures and verify the Hindu nationalists’ findings.The academics have also discovered that cow’s urine is an extremely effective pesticide and plant fertiliser and are now developing for human consumption new drugs that contain the “gift of the cow”.

Prof Anil Gupta at the institute said: “This isn’t just a religious thing. If it’s useful we shouldn’t stop it simply because we think it has religious connections.” excerpt from link


Here’s another link to meditate on and if you’re feeling adventurous check out Dr. Jain’s Cow Urine Therapy and try some golden delicious! lol

Carniverous Tree eats Cow!

image from link

October 23, 2007


MANGALORE: Carnivorous trees grabbing humans and cattle and gobbling them up is not just village folklore.

Residents of Padrame near Kokkoda in Uppinangady forest range sighted one such carnivorous tree trying to dine on a cow last Thursday. According to reports, the cow owned by Anand Gowda had been left to graze in the forests.

The cow was suddenly grabbed by the branches and pulled from the ground. The terrified cowherd ran to the village, and got Gowda and a band of villagers to the carnivorous tree.

Before the tree could have its meal, Anand Gowda and the villagers struck mortal blows to the branches that turned limp and the cow was rescued. Uppinangady range forest officer (RFO) Subramanya Rao said the tree was described as ‘pili mara’ (tiger tree) in native lingo.

He had received many complaints about cattle returning home in the evenings without tails. On Friday, the field staff confirmed coming across a similar tree in Padrane, partially felled down.

However no detailed inquiry was made as the authorities were not asked for any report, Rao said. from

Yellow Yellow Dirty Fellow…Orbit White Cow Advertisements

Remember…yellow yellow dirty fellow white white orbit white…it does not rhyme…but it is a true!

A must for bachelor mans and bachelor womans- Orbit white cow matrimonial…

I love this guy!

Indian Cow Eats Chickens…alive!

“The local vets said the cow was probably suffering from a disease but others said Lal was a tiger in his previous birth,” Link

image from everythingweird

March 7, 2007

CALCUTTA, India – When his chickens started disappearing a few weeks ago, a farmer in eastern India figured dogs or jackals were to blame – until he discovered his calf making a meal of his poultry. Moloy, who uses only one name, and his 1-year-old calf have since become local celebrities, with the carnivorous cow appearing on television in India’s West Bengal state and hundreds of people flocking to see them in Chandipur, a village 145 miles southwest of Calcutta, the state capital.

“To catch the culprit, Moloy got up very early … and to his disbelief found that it was his calf which came out from the cow shed and was eating the chickens alive,” Debjyoti Chatterjee, a local resident who filmed the calf eating a chicken, said Thursday.

The local veterinarian was at a loss for an explanation.



WASTED: Tales of the wasted desi…

In Cambridge some friends and I invented a new cocktail in our House bar (basically poured vodka, whisky, gin, rum, wine, coke, orange juice, beer, and other flavoured liquers into a toxic brew) and after drinking several pints worth of this strange liquor spent the evening pushing one another up and down the cobbled streets in shopping trolleys having a “serious” discussion about sending Stephen Hawking on motor-bike tour of Afghanistan. That was the night I understood why the British say they are “Trolleyed” when they get smashed.

Trolleyed NRI

CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG (The Notorious GURSH of youtube drinks like only a Punjabi Munda can…)

When I was studying in London me and my girlfriend got a hold of a bottle of absynthe which we thought was going to be just like drinking the stuff Toulouse Lautrec used to drink while hallucinating about green fairies and can can dancers. But this was the legal commercial stuff that doesn’t have wormwood in it and is basically just green 90 percent lethal alcohol. We drank the whole bottle between the two of us within an hour and ended up puking throughout the night. No Green Fairy. Just green vomit.

By Green Fairy


On Holi we were preparing some bhang lassi for a big family party at home and the really concentrated bhang (basically cooked and coagulated marijuana) was strained out of the milk and tossed on the floor. Our pet pug “Moti” ate it and began to trip out and hallucinate. He lost the ability to use his back legs or to walk in a straight line and so he was covered in bright pink holi colour and stuck in some sort of doggy psychedelic nightmare! The poor thing had to be carried around for two days and force fed water and food. Unfortunately the bhang lassi only had any effect on the dog!

By Bhang Lassi


When I first tripped I hallucinated a lot. I was sixteen years old and we were at some Goa Gil party in Delhi and after that we’d gone to a friend’s farmhouse. And the party was shut down by the cops so the music was shut down right around the time I was peaking so I was really fried. Then we went to another farmhouse and all I could see was the grass growing and growing and growing… so I was tripping on that for three hours. I thought I had lost it and I was going to stay like that forever.

By Garden Grower

SEND US YOUR WASTED DESI CLIPS AND CONFESSIONS TO remainsofthedesi at gmail dot com



(I got that excellent clip from curry bear)


Holy COWS!
